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We're excited for what 2025 brings and represents. This calendar year will mark the beginning of the era of gentle fashion. Overconsumption continues to over-stress our planet and adds to the overproduction crisis. It's a doomed cycle. But, we believe in change.

In order to mark a shift towards a circular economy via "renting" as opposed to "owning" fashion items (clothing and accessories), we have something special for you. We are ReRack, a fashion rental marketplace where you can rent fashion from premium homegrown designers and support the growth of independent labels whilst also being planet conscious.

Currently, we are only live in Mumbai. That means as long as your delivery and pick-up pincode is in Mumbai you can rent from us. If you're travelling here for work events, meetings or trips you can avail our services.

To become a part of our online community, join us at @sisterhoodofrerack on Instagram

We hope you try renting with ReRack and experience the joys of something shared and borrowed.

Welcome to the community!

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